Employee letters
Our model employee letters help to ensure clarity, legal compliance, accountability, professionalism, and record-keeping.
Employee letters are an important part of HR management and have several benefits, including:
Clarity: Employee letters provide a clear and concise record of important information, such as job offers, job descriptions, performance reviews, disciplinary actions, promotions, and terminations. They help to ensure that all parties involved have a common understanding of the situation and the expectations moving forward.
Legal Compliance: Employee letters can help to ensure that you comply with relevant laws, regulations, or company policies. By documenting important employment decisions and communications, you can reduce the risk of legal disputes and demonstrate that you have followed established procedures.
Accountability: Employee letters help to hold both employees and employers accountable for their actions and decisions. They serve as a reminder of the commitments made by both parties and provide a basis for evaluating performance, enforcing policies, and resolving disputes.
Professionalism: Employee letters help to maintain a professional tone and demeanor in HR communications. By using a standardised format and language, you can convey important information in a respectful and professional manner, even in difficult situations.
Record-Keeping: Employee letters provide a valuable record of HR activities and decisions. They can be used to track employee performance, monitor compliance with policies and procedures, and provide evidence in the event of a legal dispute.
In summary, employee letters help to ensure clarity, legal compliance, accountability, professionalism, and record-keeping. By using employee letters effectively, HR professionals can help to promote a positive and productive workplace culture and reduce the risk of legal disputes.

Our Absence Review Meeting Invitation Letter Template streamlines the process, ensuring timely and structured discussions for improved attendance.
Our Acknowledgement of Intention to Return from Maternity Leave Letter template enables employers to formally recognise employees' return plans, fostering a supportive and organised transition process.
This document is used where the Company wishes to acknowledge receipt of a reference given by another Company or individual, concerning a new joiner.
Use this model adoption leave acknowledgement letter to confirm the employees intention to commence Adoption Leave, what there entitlement is, and whether they are eligible or not for Adoption Pay.
Our Agreement to Anticipate Annual Leave template streamlines advance leave requests, ensuring clarity and compliance with employment regulations.
Our Agreement to Employee Request to Take a Second Job Letter Template acknowledges and approves an employee's request to take on a second job, ensuring clarity and mutual understanding of expectations.
Our Annual Leave Request Declined Letter Template eases the process, providing clear explanations for declined requests efficiently.
Our Appeal Hearing Invitation Letter template formally invites employees to appeal hearings, maintaining transparency and adhering to procedural fairness.
An Application Acknowledgement Letter confirms receipt of a job application, expresses appreciation, and sets expectations for further communication.
If you receive a job application but there are no suitable vacancies, send this model letter to acknowledge receipt and that you will retain their details for one year.
If you receive a job application for a suitable vacancy but have not been able to contact the applicant, send this model letter to acknowledge receipt and ask them to make contact.
If you receive a job application for a suitable vacancy but the vacancy is on hold, send this model letter to acknowledge receipt and confirm the next steps.
If you need to inform a candidate that they didn't pass to the next interview stage, send this model letter to provide feedback and thank them for their time.
Our Assignment Confirmation Letter Template formally confirms details of a job assignment, providing clarity and setting expectations for both parties involved in the work arrangement.
Our Bonus Payment Letter Template ensures clear communication of bonus details, avoiding confusion and promoting employee satisfaction.
Our Career Break Agreement Letter template streamlines the process, making it easy to establish the terms and conditions for a successful career break.
Our Career Break Request Letter template simplifies the process for employees seeking a career break, making it easier to communicate their request and reasons effectively.
This document is used where the Company wishes to change certain terms and conditions of employment with agreement of the employee.
This letter is used after a good overall Performance Development Review, to thank the appraisee for the work they have done during the period.
A welcome letter to a new employee gets them excited for their first day, prepares them for orientation and gives necessary first-day info.
Our Concern about absence Letter template assists employers in addressing and expressing concerns regarding an employee's absence from work.
Our Concern about Conduct Letter Template helps address behavioural issues promptly, promoting a harmonious and professional workplace.
Use this model letter to notify an employee that you have a concern over their performance, that may warrant disciplinary action should it happen again.
Our Job Transfer Confirmation Letter template assures a clear and formal communication, fostering employee confidence in successful transitions.
Our Confirmation of Sickness Absence during the Last Four Weeks Before Expected Week of Childbirth Letter template assists employers in validating maternity-related absences, ensuring support for employees.
If you have reached an agreement with an employee regarding a variation to their contract / terms and conditions, issue this model letter template.
If you wish to vary an employee's contract / terms and conditions, issue this model letter template as a proposal of the variation, and to request a meeting to discuss.
Our Criminal Records Check Consent letter template simplifies obtaining employee consent for background checks, ensuring compliance and efficient record keeping.
Our Deferral of Jury Service Request Letter Template eases the burden of jury service, enabling employees to manage work commitments effectively.
A model letter of resignation from a company director, including an optional acknowledgement that the resigning director has no claims outstanding against the company.
Our Disciplinary Appeal Hearing Invitation Letter Template facilitates transparent communication, ensuring a structured process for appeal hearings.
Our Disciplinary Appeal Hearing Outcome Confirmation Letter Template ensures clear communication of the final decision, promoting fairness and transparency.
Our Disciplinary Decision Appeal Letter Template supports fair processes, providing a platform for employees to address concerns and seek resolution.
If you are considering taking disciplinary action against an employee, issue this model disciplinary hearing invitation letter template.
Our Disciplinary Hearing Result Letter Template ensures clear communication of outcomes, promoting transparency and fair resolution.
Our Disciplinary Investigation No Further Action Letter Template provides closure, informing employees of the investigation outcome with clarity and fairness.
Our Disciplinary Outcome Appeal Letter Template empowers employees to seek fair resolution, addressing concerns and ensuring procedural fairness.
Our Dismissal After Performance Improvement Hearing Confirmation Letter template formally confirms the decision, maintaining professionalism and outlining the terms of dismissal.
If discussions further to consultation have not resulted in an agreement, issue this model letter template to terminate the employee and offer re-engagement on the new terms.
Our Dismissal and Re-Engagement Proposal Letter Template assists in proposing changes while complying with UK employment regulations.
If you wish to appeal against your dismissal, send this model letter template to your previous employer.
If an ex-employee has appealed against their dismissal, issue this model letter template as invitation to an appeal hearing.
If a former employee has appealed against their dismissal and an appeal hearing has been held, send this model letter as confirmation of the outcome.
Our Dismissal for Some Other Substantial Reason (SOSR) Letter Template communicates a termination based on valid reasons beyond the usual, providing clarity and professionalism in the process.
Our Early Release after Resignation Letter Template enables a seamless and compliant process for accommodating early departures while preventing potential issues.
Our Employee Appeal Letter Template provides a structured format for employees to appeal decisions, ensuring clarity and fairness in the process.
Our Employee Appeal Acknowledgment Letter Template confirms receipt of employee appeals, ensuring transparency and procedural fairness in the resolution process.
Our Employee Appreciation Letter template expresses gratitude for outstanding contributions, acknowledging the employee's dedication and fostering positive morale.
Our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Introduction Letter Template welcomes employees to confidential support, promoting well-being and work-life balance.
Our Employee of the Month Award Letter template celebrates exceptional performance, recognising the recipient's outstanding contributions and motivating continued excellence.
Our Employee Share Scheme (ESS) Introduction Letter Template informs employees about participation, promoting engagement and understanding of the scheme's benefits and processes.
Our End of Company Sick Pay confirmation Letter Template notifies employees of the cessation of company sick pay, maintaining transparency and clarity in benefits communication.
Our End of Fixed Term Contract Letter Template streamlines contract closure, ensuring clear communication and compliance with employment regulations.
Our Excess Holiday Recovery Letter template helps employers address overpaid holiday pay issues professionally and transparently.
Our Exit Interview Meeting Invitation Letter template streamlines the process, ensuring a smooth and professional communication with departing employees.
If you have an employee who will be undertaking external training, and the provider requires confirmation of sponsorship, issue this model letter template to them.
If you need to conclude consultation with a provisionally selected employee, send this model redundancy consultation final meeting invitation letter template.
Use this model letter to arrange the final formal performance improvement plan meeting after the second meeting has not led to any progress.
Our Final Written Warning Letter Template addresses repeated or serious issues, emphasising consequences and setting clear expectations for improvement.
Our First Written Warning for Lateness Letter Template addresses punctuality issues formally, encouraging improved time management.
If you need to initiate redundancy consultation with an employee who has been provisionally selected for redundancy, send this model letter to invite them to a redundancy consultation meeting.
Use this template to arrange the first formal performance improvement plan meeting after previous informal discussions have not produced any progress.
Our First Written Warning Letter Template addresses performance issues formally, promoting improvement and setting clear expectations.
Our First Written Warning for Lateness Letter Template addresses punctuality issues, fostering accountability and improving time management.
Our Fit Note First Request Letter Template streamlines the process of requesting a fit note from an employee, ensuring compliance with UK employment regulations.
Our Fit Note Second Request Letter Template helps efficiently address unsubmitted fit notes, ensuring timely completion.
Our Flexible Working Agreed Decision Extension Letter Template streamlines extension requests, ensuring efficient communication and flexibility.
Our Flexible Working Application Meeting Invitation Letter template invites employees to discuss flexible work arrangements, promoting work-life balance and open communication.
Our flexible working compromise arrangement letter template simplifies finding mutually beneficial solutions while considering both employee and company needs.
If an employee wishes to appeal against a flexible working application rejection, they can use this model template.
Our Flexible Working Request Letter Template simplifies the process, enabling employees to request flexible arrangements with confidence and clarity.
Use this model letter to provide an employee with formal acceptance of their flexible working request.
Use this model letter to notify the employee that their flexible working request has been received and that a meeting will be set up to discuss it with them.
If you are unable to accept a request for flexible working, issue this model template letter to inform an employee of the reason for the rejection.
Our Flexible Working Trial Period Confirmation Letter template formally confirms the upcoming trial period, outlining expectations and terms for the flexible work arrangement.
If you receive a graduate application but you have no vacancies, send this model letter to confirm receipt and that there are no current opportunities.
If an employee wishes to raise a grievance about a workplace issue, they can submit this model letter template to you.
Our Grievance Appeal Hearing Invitation Letter template invites employees to a formal appeal hearing, ensuring transparency and fairness in addressing grievances.
If a grievance appeal hearing has been held, send this model letter template for confirmation of the outcome.
Our Grievance Decision Appeal Letter template empowers employees to present well-structured appeals, facilitating a fair and efficient grievance resolution process.
If an employee raises a formal grievance, use this model letter template as an invitation to a grievance hearing to discuss their issues or complaints in detail.
If a grievance hearing has been held, send this model letter template for confirmation of the outcome, and a right of appeal.
Our Grievance Investigation Confirmation Letter ensures a transparent process, confirming receipt and initiation of grievance investigation promptly.
If an allegation of gross misconduct is upheld, send this model letter to the employee to confirm their dismissal without notice or payment in lieu of notice.
If an allegation of gross misconduct for intoxication is upheld, send this model letter to the employee to confirm their dismissal without notice or payment in lieu of notice.
If an employee is sacked in the heat of the moment, send this model dismissal withdrawal letter to ask them to return to work so that any issues can be resolved.
Our Heat of the Moment Resignation Response Letter template helps address resignations made impulsively, offering support and clarifying next steps.
Our Hybrid Working Move Confirmation Letter Template ensures clarity, guiding seamless transition and expectations for employees.
Our Hybrid Working Model Permanent Change Following Trial Period Letter Template announces the successful transition to a permanent hybrid work model, outlining the new policies and expectations for employees.
Our Hybrid Working Trial Period Announcement Letter Template formally informs employees about the upcoming trial period for hybrid work arrangements, outlining the details and expectations clearly.
Our Update to Employees on Progress of Hybrid Working Trial Period Letter Template communicates the latest developments and outcomes of the hybrid work trial, maintaining transparency and engagement.
Used if an employee has requested annual or other special unpaid leave, has had their request declined for legitimate business reasons but has stated that they intend to take the period of leave anyway.
An internal applicant offer letter is essential to confirm the terms of a new position, avoiding any misunderstandings and ensuring a smooth transition.
Our Interview Invitation Letter template formally invites candidates to interview, providing essential details and promoting professionalism in the hiring process.
If an employee is suspected of misconduct, the employer must carry out a fair and proper investigation into the allegations and determine the facts of the case through gathering evidence.
Our Investigation Meeting Invitation (to Witness) Letter Template streamlines communication, ensuring witnesses understand their role, leading to efficient and effective investigations.
Our Invitation for Voluntary Redundancy Applications letter template encourages employees to apply for voluntary redundancy while maintaining a fair process.
Our Invitation of Witness to Disciplinary Hearing Letter Template ensures a fair and transparent process, securing essential testimony for a comprehensive hearing.
Our Invitation to Discuss Hybrid Working Application Letter Template formally invites an employee to discuss their hybrid work application, promoting open communication and alignment on expectations.
If you receive an application for voluntary redundancy, send this model letter to an employee as an invitation to a meeting to discuss it.
Our Invite to Professional Development Session Letter Template invites employees to valuable sessions, fostering skill growth and professional advancement with a clear and engaging invitation.
Our Keep in Touch (KIT) Days Request Letter Template enables employees to formally request KIT days, ensuring smooth communication and planning during parental leave periods.
Our Less than Two Years Service Dismissal Letter template helps employers notify employees of their termination before completing two years of service.
Our Loan Repayment Agreement Letter template simplifies the process of documenting loan terms, ensuring clarity and legal compliance.
Our Long Service Thank You Letter Template expresses gratitude, boosting employee morale and acknowledging their dedication.
Our Long Term Absence Review Meeting Invitation Letter template invites employees to a meeting to discuss extended absences, ensuring a supportive and structured approach.
If an employee is unable to return to their job as a result of long-term absence and there are no suitable alternatives, send this model letter to confirm dismissal.
If an employee has notified you that they intend to take maternity leave, issue this model letter template as acknowledgement, and to inform them that they are eligible for Maternity Pay.
If an employee has notified you that they intend to take maternity leave, issue this model letter template as acknowledgement, and to inform them that they are not eligible for Maternity Pay.
If an employee will be taking maternity leave, they can use this model letter template as notification of their pregnancy, and when they expect it to commence.
If you have an employee on maternity leave, they can use this model letter template as notification that they will return to work as planned.
Our Maternity Leave Return to Work Reminder Letter template streamlines communication, reducing employee confusion and facilitating a smooth transition back to work.
Our Maternity Suspension on Medical Grounds Letter template helps employers navigate the process, ensuring clear, compassionate, and compliant communication with employees.
If you wish to try to resolve a workplace disagreement through mediation, appoint a mediator and issue this model mediation meeting invitation letter template.
Our Outcome of Mediation Meeting Letter Template streamlines documenting mediation outcomes, preventing disputes, and ensuring clear understanding for both parties.
If you need to contact an employee's GP to obtain a medical report, issue this model letter to request their consent.
If you need a medical report from an employee's GP for guidance on their condition or capability, send this model request letter template.
This letter should be given to an employee informing them of a pay increase due to an increase in the National Minimum or Living Wage rates.
This letter should be given to an employee informing them of a national minimum wage pay increase due to an change in their age.
Our New Apprentice Welcome Letter Template creates a friendly onboarding experience, easing transition and building engagement prior to day one.
Our Non-executive Director Appointment Letter template ensures a seamless onboarding process, providing a professional and legally compliant framework for successful appointments.
This form should be completed by an employee / trade union, to register that a dispute exists.
If you are considering a possible redundancy, send this model letter template to provide notice of the situation and the reasons why it is under consideration.
Our Notice of Suspension Letter Template ensures a formal and clear communication during employee suspension, preserving procedural fairness.
If you wish to notify a former employee's new employer that the employee is obliged to not share confidential information with them, send this model letter.
Our Notification of Intention to Take Shared Parental Leave Letter Template allows employees to formally communicate their intention to take shared parental leave, fostering clarity and compliance with legal requirements.
Our Notification of No Bonus Payable Letter template informs employees of circumstances leading to no bonus, maintaining transparency and clarity in communication.
After choosing the right person for the job, after making a verbal offer send them an offer letter for them to formally respond to.
Our Offer of Employment Withdrawal Letter Template formally and respectfully notifies a candidate that their job offer is being withdrawn, maintaining professionalism and clarity in communication.
An offer of fixed term employment letter clearly outlines the terms of a temporary role, including the duration, expectations, and compensation, providing both parties with legal protection and avoiding potential misunderstandings.
Our Offer of Permanent Employment (from Agency) Letter Template formalises the transition from assignment to permanent employment, outlining terms and welcoming candidates to the company permanently.
If you can offer suitable alternative employment for an employee in a redundant role, issue this model letter to them to offer the new role to them.
This letter is used where the Company wishes to offer unpaid work, detailing the job title and start date.
Our Overpayment Notification Letter Template addresses overpayment errors promptly, ensuring clear communication and resolution for all parties involved.
Our P45 Replacement Letter Template ensures prompt resolution of P45 errors, minimizing confusion and inconvenience for both employees and the company.
If an employee has provided notice of them taking parental bereavement leave, issue this model letter template as confirmation.
Employers can use this Postponement of Parental Leave Letter to restrict employees from taking parental leave at a specific period because of the disruption that their absence would cause.
Our Paternity Pay Confirmation Letter template enables employers to communicate approved paternity pay, ensuring transparency and positive relations.
Our Pay or Salary Freeze Notification Letter Template helps communicate temporary freezes in employee compensation, fostering transparency during challenging times.
If a decision has been made to increase an employee's pay or salary, issue this model notification letter template to inform the reason and effective date.
Our Pension Contribution Increase Letter template notifies employees about upcoming pension contribution adjustments, ensuring transparency and compliance with regulations.
Our Pension Enrolment Letter template formally notifies employees about their enrolment in the pension scheme, outlining benefits and providing essential information.
Use this model letter to notify an employee that they have been successful in meeting the standards agreed at any stage within the Performance Improvement process.
Our Persistent Short-Term Absence Dismissal Letter template communicates the decision to dismiss an employee due to recurrent absences, maintaining professionalism and clarity.
If an employee has previously been warned about poor performance but they have not improved, send this model letter to confirm dismissal.
Our Postponement of Disciplinary Hearing Due to Sickness Letter Template ensures professionalism and flexibility in rescheduling hearings, respecting employee well-being.
Use this model letter to confirm leave and pay entitlements when maternity leave has begun earlier than expected due to a pregnancy-related absence.
Our Probation Complete Confirmation Letter Template formalises successful probation periods, providing reassurance and acknowledgment to employees.
Our Probation Extension Confirmation Letter Template addresses extended probation, ensuring clarity and communication for both employer and employee.
Our Probation Extension Due to Absence Letter Template addresses prolonged absence during probation, ensuring fair and documented extension communication.
Our Probation Extension Due to Behaviour Concerns Letter Template formalises extension decisions, addressing performance issues professionally.
Our Probation Extension Due to Performance Concerns Letter Template addresses performance issues, ensuring fair communication during extension.
Our Probation Extension Due to Training Letter Template offers additional time and support, ensuring employees can improve and meet performance expectations.
Our Probation Introduction Letter Template clarifies probation terms, setting expectations for both employer and new employee with ease.
Our Probation Review Meeting Invitation Letter Template schedules structured discussions, ensuring clarity and preparation for employee evaluations.
Our Probation Termination Letter template streamlines the process, ensuring compliance and effective communication with professionalism.
Our Profit Sharing Scheme Introduction Letter template introduces the scheme, outlining the benefits and fostering transparency about sharing company profits with employees.
Our Promotion Notification Letter template formally announces employee advancements, fostering a culture of recognition and motivating further growth.
Our Proof of Right to Work Request Letter Template simplifies the process of requesting and obtaining necessary documentation from employees.
Our Proposal to Increase Notice Period Letter Template helps you navigate requesting longer notice periods for smoother transitions.
Our Recognition Award Congratulatory Letter template celebrates employees' achievements, expressing congratulations and appreciating their outstanding contributions.
In case an employee wishes to appeal their redundancy decision, this template helps them draft a formal appeal, clearly stating the grounds for their appeal and supporting evidence.
Our Redundancy Appeal Meeting Invitation Letter template ensures fairness, inviting employees to discuss appeals with transparency and professionalism.
If, after consultation, the decision has been made to confirm the redundancy of a role, send this model confirmation letter template to the employee affected .
If redundancy is confirmed and you wish to include unfair dismissal claim protection, send this model letter to the employee to propose a settlement agreement.
When you commence redundancy consultation, send this model letter to an employee to explain the redundancy process from start to finish.
Our Reference Completed Letter Template streamlines the process of providing detailed and accurate employee references, saving time and effort.
If you are recruiting a new employee and wish to request a reference from a previous employer, send this this model letter template to request confirmation of their employment.
Use this model rejection after interview letter to inform candidates after interviews that they didn't pass to the next round, with free text to describe the reason(s) for that decision.
Use this model rejection after interview letter to inform candidates after interviews that they didn't pass to the next round, specifically due to other candidate qualifications being more suitable.
Use this model rejection after interview letter to inform candidates after interviews that they didn't pass to the next round, specifically due to other candidate skills being more suitable.
Use this model rejection before interview letter to inform candidates that they have not been selected for interview, with text to describe the reason(s) for that decision.
Use this model rejection after interview letter to inform candidates that they have not been selected for interview, specifically due to other candidates being a closer match.
If it is alleged that a former employee is sharing confidential information that thay obtained during their employment with you, send this model letter to them to remind them that a confidentiality agreement continues to apply.
Use this model requirement to take annual leave letter to inform an employee that they are required to take annual leave over a specified period.
This letter is used by an employee as a formal method of submitting notice that they intend to resign from their employment.
If an employee resigns, issue this model resignation acceptance letter to provide specific end of contract information, such as the date of their last day of work.
Our Resignation Acceptance with Garden Leave Letter template confirms an employee's resignation while outlining the garden leave terms, ensuring a clear understanding.
Our Resignation While on Suspension Confirmation Letter Template acknowledges an employee's resignation during suspension, ensuring formal closure and clarity in the employment relationship.
Our Response to Reference Request Letter Template ensures prompt, accurate, and professional responses to reference requests, streamlining the process.
Our Restrictive Covenant Enforcement Letter Template safeguards against violations, protecting business interests and maintaining contractual agreements.
This letter acknowledges an employees decision to retire, and provides essential information such as pension arrangements, final payments due and list the company property they are requested to return.
Our Retirement Arrangements Meeting Invitation Letter template invites employees to discuss retirement plans, providing a supportive and organised approach to the transition.
This letter is for employees to notify the company of their wish to retire, the proposed date on which they wish to retire, and any request for a phased wind-down.
Our Retirement Thank You and Gift Letter Template helps express gratitude to retiring employees and accompanies a thoughtful retirement gift.
If, following consultation, it is determined that a role is no longer at risk of redundancy, send this model letter to an employee to confirm the decision.
Our Sabbatical Agreement Letter template formalises sabbatical terms, providing clarity and structure for employees and the company during extended leaves.
This template is used by employees to formally request a sabbatical leave, providing details about the purpose, duration, and any relevant arrangements or commitments.
Our Sabbatical Request Refused Letter template communicates respectfully when sabbatical requests cannot be granted, maintaining transparency and professionalism.
If you have proposed a salary reduction as an alternative to redundancy, send this model letter to them to confirm the proposal and request their agreement.
Our Salary Sacrifice Employee Announcement Letter template communicates the introduction of a salary sacrifice program, outlining benefits and clarifying the process to employees.
Use this model letter to arrange the second formal performance improvement plan (PIP) meeting after the first meeting has not led to any progress.
Use this model letter when you have reached a settlement agreement with an employee who will be leaving your employment as a result, to enclose the settlement agreement.
Use this model settlement agreement proposal letter to enter discussions with an employee about ending their employment relationship.
Use this Share Scheme Annual Statement to provide employees with an annual statement detailing their share scheme holdings, vested shares, and potential future benefits.
Our Share Scheme FAQs Letter Template addresses common queries, ensuring clarity and understanding among employees about the share scheme's operation and benefits.
Use this Share Scheme Trustee Appointment letter template to appoint a trustee for your company's share scheme.
Our Shared Parental Leave Acknowledgement Letter template assures prompt receipt of requests, enhancing transparency and leave coordination.
Our Shared Parental Leave Extension Approval Letter Template formally approves an employee's request to extend their shared parental leave, maintaining professionalism and ensuring alignment on the extension terms.
Our Short Term Absence Review Meeting Outcome Letter template communicates the outcome of discussions, outlining agreed-upon actions to address absences effectively.
Our Spot Award Letter template acknowledges exceptional performance with immediate recognition, showcasing appreciation and motivating ongoing dedication.
Our Stress Management Workshop Invitation Letter template invites employees to attend a workshop, promoting wellbeing and providing tools for managing stress effectively.
This template acknowledges receipt of the SAR, confirms the initiation of the request process, and provides an estimated timeline for response.
In cases where more time is needed to respond to a SAR, this template informs the individual of the extension and provides an updated timeline for completion, along with an explanation for the delay.
If certain exemptions apply, and the organisation is unable to fulfill the SAR in full, this template outlines the reasons for refusal and provides information on how the individual can appeal the decision.
This template provides a formal response to the SAR, confirming the information that will be provided, any exemptions applied, and details of how the information will be delivered (e.
If a trial period in a suitable alternative role has been successful, send this model letter to the employee to confirm their permanent appointment in the new role.
Our Sympathy (Accident) Letter template conveys empathy and support to employees affected by accidents, fostering a caring and compassionate workplace.
Our Sympathy for Illness (Employee at Home) Letter template expresses support and care for employees facing illness at home, maintaining a compassionate tone.
Our Sympathy for Illness (Employee in Hospital) Letter template extends sincere support to employees hospitalized due to illness, offering understanding and comfort.
Our Team Incentive Plan Letter template outlines the team incentive structure, fostering collaboration and encouraging collective efforts towards shared goals.
Our Temporary Promotion Letter Template streamlines communication, formalising temporary role changes to employees with clarity.
Our Termination of Employment (Long-Term Sick) Letter template communicates the termination due to extended sickness, maintaining professionalism and clarity in the process.
Our Termination of Employment Following Previous Warnings Letter Template formalises dismissal after repeated warnings, ensuring compliance and clarity.
Our Total Reward Statement Letter template communicates employees' comprehensive rewards, including benefits, bonuses, and more, highlighting their total package value.
Use this template to notify individuals / grades of a training event that it has been deemed to be beneficial to them.
Our Training Cost Recovery on Resignation Letter template outlines the terms for reimbursing training costs, promoting transparency and a clear agreement.
If you are sponsoring training, use this model letter to inform an employee that repayment of the cost is required if they resign before or shortly after it is complete.
If you have agreed to an employee request to sponsor external training or study, issue this model letter template to confirm the agreement.
Our Training or Study Request Refusal Letter template communicates respectfully when training requests cannot be approved, offering clear reasoning and professionalism.
If an employee requests approval to attend external training or development, issue this model letter as invitation to a meeting to discuss it further.
If TUPE is proposed, send this model letter template to employee representatives as confirmation of consultation taking place.
Communicate proposed TUPE measures, seek employee input, and ensure transparency during the transfer process with a concise confirmation letter
.If TUPE is proposed, send this model letter to representatives as confirmation of the proposed measures that will be taken in connection with the transfer.
If TUPE is confirmed, send this model template letter to affected employees as written confirmation that a transfer will take place under the provisions of TUPE.
If TUPE is confirmed, send this model template letter to representatives as confirmation that a transfer will take place under the provisions of TUPE.
If TUPE is proposed, send this model letter to the incoming employer to provide them with liability information for transferring employees.
If TUPE is proposed, send this model letter to affected employees to confirm the results of an election for employee representatives.
Our TUPE Goodbye Letter template ensures a smooth transition for employees affected by TUPE, providing them with essential information and support.
If TUPE is proposed, send this model letter template to the outgoing employer to detail measures that will be taken in connection with the transferring employees.
If nominations for TUPE representatives has closed with more volunteers than required, issue this model letter template to provide notification of a ballot.
If TUPE is proposed, send this model letter to affected employees to them of an upcoming election process to determine representatives for consultation.
If TUPE is proposed, send this model letter to employees to notify them of a proposed transfer of employment to an external organisation.
If TUPE is proposed, send this model letter to the outgoing employer to request employee liability information.
If TUPE is proposed, send this model letter to the incoming employer to request information about whether they intend to take any measures in relation to any of the transferring employees.
If TUPE is confirmed, send this model letter to any affected employee to request that they check their personal information before you send it to the incoming employer.
If TUPE is confirmed, send this model letter to any affected employee to welcome them, and confirm key information and joining arrangements.
Our Unauthorised Absence Final Reminder Letter template helps address persistent absenteeism, promoting attendance and accountability.
Our Unauthorised Absence First Reminder Letter template helps address unexplained absences and prompts employee communication.
Our Unauthorised Absence Second Reminder Letter template helps address AWOL employees who haven't responded to previous notices, guiding appropriate action.
Use this model uncertified sick leave letter to request that an employee submits a medical note for their absence, and highlight that their sick leave is unauthorised without it.
Our Unsuccessful Alternative Employment Trial Period Redundancy Confirmation letter notifies employees of an unsuccessful trial, ensuring clarity and compliance.
Our Verbal Warning Letter Template facilitates prompt resolution of performance issues, ensuring clear communication and promoting improvement.
Our Verbal Warning for Excessive Absence Letter Template addresses attendance issues professionally, promoting improved attendance and accountability.
Our Verbal Warning for Lateness Letter Template addresses lateness concerns promptly, emphasising the importance of punctuality and improvement.
This template outlines the terms and conditions of a voluntary redundancy agreement, including any relevant financial compensation, notice periods, and other considerations.
If you have accepted an application for voluntary redundancy, send this model letter to the employee to confirm the outcome.
If you wish to reject an application for voluntary redundancy, send this model letter to the employee to confirm the outcome.
Our Working Time Regulations Opt-Out Letter template enables employees to formally opt out of certain working time regulations, maintaining legal compliance and clear communication.