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Unauthorised absence first reminder letter

£ 9
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Our Unauthorised Absence First Reminder Letter template helps address unexplained absences and prompts employee communication.

If an employee is absent from work and has not made contact, send this unauthorised absence first reminder model template to ask them to get in touch.

Reading time
How long to understand and implement this letter?
5 mins
Word count
How many words in this letter?
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What is an Unauthorised absence first reminder letter?

The Unauthorised Absence First Reminder Letter serves as a formal communication tool to address instances of unauthorised employee absence from work. This letter is designed to remind employees about their responsibility to adhere to attendance policies and procedures, and to prompt them to provide an explanation for their absence. By sending this letter, the company aims to initiate a proactive approach to attendance management, foster accountability among employees, and encourage timely communication to resolve unauthorised absence issues.

Best practice timescale for this to be issued
When should this letter be issued?
Around 1 to 2 days after the unauthorised absence commences, and after voice messages and other forms of communication have not been responded to
Issued by who, to whom
Who should issue this letter, and to whom?
The Employer (you) to the Employee
Applicable legal jurisdictions
In which jurisdictions can this letter be used?
Great Britain & NI (United Kingdom), Worldwide

How can I ensure that this letteris executed effectively?

Step Description Responsibility Timing
1 Identify the unauthorised absence of the employee and lack of contact. HR After absence period
2 Review previous communication, such as the initial absence notification and any attempts to contact the employee. Attempt to contact by phone if not already. HR Before sending
3 Prepare the Unauthorised Absence First Reminder Letter. Clearly state the unauthorised absence, the lack of contact, and the need for communication. HR Before sending
4 Send the letter to the employee's registered address via certified mail, emphasizing the urgency of making contact. HR As soon as prepared
5 Maintain a copy of the sent letter and related documentation for record-keeping purposes. HR After sending letter

What legislation and best practice guidelines have been taken into account in the development of this template?

United Kingdom

When addressing unauthorised absences, our Unauthorised Absence First Reminder Letter template aligns with key UK employment legislation:

  • Employment Rights Act 1996: Governs employee rights and obligations, including attendance and absence policies.

  • Health and Safety at Work Act 1974: Requires employers to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of employees, which can be affected by unauthorised absences.

  • Company's Absence Management Policy: Establishes procedures and guidelines for managing employee absences, including reminders and communication protocols.

  • Equality Act 2010: Ensures fair and equal treatment of employees during absence management processes.

  • Data Protection Act 2018: Dictates how employee absence data is handled and protected, particularly in communication related to unauthorised absence reminders.

Other territories

Consult your jurisdiction's employment legislation or labor laws to ensure compliance with the template. Review the language for local precision.

Unauthorised absence first reminder [Delete this line]

[Company name]

[Sender address]



[Recipient name]

[Recipient address]


Dear [Recipient first name],


Unauthorised absence

You have been absent from work since [date], but have not made contact with your line manager or [name | the HR department] to inform us of your whereabouts.

I am concerned about you, and I hope you are OK.

Please contact [line manager name] or myself as soon as possible to discuss the situation, and when you will be returning to work.

I must remind you that unauthorised absence is misconduct in accordance with our disciplinary policy, and this may lead to disciplinary action.

Yours [faithfully | sincerely],



[Sender name]

[Sender job title]

[Sender telephone]
[Sender email]

This is a preview. Access to the remainder requires a purchase.

In which communication or process sequence does this template belong?

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Guide to managing an AWOL employee

Our Guide to managing an AWOL employee streamlines handling sudden absences, promoting operational continuity and employee accountability.

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Unauthorised absence first reminder letter template
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Unauthorised absence second reminder letter template

Our Unauthorised Absence Second Reminder Letter template helps address AWOL employees who haven't responded to previous notices, guiding appropriate action.

unauthorised absence first reminder letter