First written warning letter
Our First Written Warning Letter Template addresses performance issues formally, promoting improvement and setting clear expectations.
Use this letter template when writing to an employee confirming that a first written warning sanction has been applied following a conduct hearing. This would be suitable where the nature of the misconduct or poor performance is serious, or has not improved, despite previous discussions/warnings.

5 mins

What is a First written warning letter?
A First Written Warning Letter is a formal document that is issued to an employee to address any issues or misconduct in the workplace. It is typically the first step in a progressive formal disciplinary process that aims to improve an employee's behaviour or performance.
The letter is issued after a disciplinary hearing has taken place, and typically outlines the specific concerns or issues the employer has with the employee's conduct, and sets out expectations for improvement. It may also provide details on any consequences that may result if the employee does not improve their behavior or performance, such as further disciplinary action or termination of employment.
The letter is typically kept on the employee's personnel file, and may be used as evidence in any future disciplinary proceedings. It is important for both employers and employees to take the contents of a First Written Warning Letter seriously, as it is a formal warning that there are concerns that need to be addressed.
To ensure fairness, warnings should always be issued in accordance with the Company disciplinary policy, which should follow the ACAS Code of Practice in relation to dismissal and disciplinary procedures.

As soon as possible after a disciplinary hearing has been held, and a decision is made

The Employer (you) to the Employee

Great Britain & NI (United Kingdom), Worldwide
What legislation and best practice guidelines have been taken into account in the development of this template?
Employment Rights Act 1996: Provides guidelines on the use of written warnings as part of the disciplinary process.
Equality Act 2010: Ensures fair treatment during the disciplinary process, prohibiting discrimination based on protected characteristics.
ACAS Code of Practice on Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures: Offers best practices for handling disciplinary issues, including the use of written warnings.
Data Protection Act 2018: Ensures that employee data related to disciplinary matters is handled securely and confidentially.
Other territories
Consult your jurisdiction's employment legislation or labor laws to ensure compliance with the template. Review the language for local precision.
In which communication or process sequence does this template belong?

Disciplinary hearing script
Our Disciplinary Hearing Script Template ensures structured proceedings, promoting fairness and adherence to disciplinary policies during hearings.

Disciplinary outcome appeal letter template
Our Disciplinary Outcome Appeal Letter Template empowers employees to seek fair resolution, addressing concerns and ensuring procedural fairness.