Grievance hearing outcome confirmation letter
If a grievance hearing has been held, send this model letter template for confirmation of the outcome, and a right of appeal.
You should use this where an employee raises a grievance and it cannot be resolved informally (such as through discussion with their line manager).

5 mins

What is a Grievance hearing outcome confirmation letter?
As soon as possible after the grievance hearing, the employer should inform the employee of the outcome of the grievance. This can be done verbally but it should also be confirmed in writing.

As soon as possible after the grievance hearing

The Employer (you) to the Employee

Great Britain & NI (United Kingdom), Worldwide
In which communication or process sequence does this template belong?

Grievance hearing script
If you are holding a grievance hearing, use this model script to help you navigate through the meeting legally and effectively.

Grievance decision appeal letter template
Our Grievance Decision Appeal Letter template empowers employees to present well-structured appeals, facilitating a fair and efficient grievance resolution process.