Disciplinary investigation no further action letter
Our Disciplinary Investigation No Further Action Letter Template provides closure, informing employees of the investigation outcome with clarity and fairness.

5 mins

What is a Disciplinary investigation no further action letter?
The purpose of a Disciplinary Investigation No Further Action Letter Template is to provide a standard and formal way for employers to notify an employee that a disciplinary investigation has been conducted and that no further action will be taken against them. The template serves as a starting point for drafting a letter that outlines the findings of the investigation and provides the employee with an explanation for why no further action is necessary.
Using a Disciplinary Investigation No Further Action Letter Template can help ensure that the letter is clear, professional, and provides all the necessary information for the employee to understand the outcome of the investigation.
Overall, the purpose of a Disciplinary Investigation No Further Action Letter Template is to provide closure for both the employer and employee following a disciplinary investigation. By using a template, employers can ensure that the letter is clear, professional, and meets the necessary legal and ethical requirements for informing an employee of the outcome of a disciplinary investigation.

As soon as possible after the investigation is complete and a decision is made

The Employer (you) to the Employee

Great Britain & NI (United Kingdom), Worldwide
What legislation and best practice guidelines have been taken into account in the development of this template?
Here are some key UK employment legislations that support the implementation of a disciplinary investigation no further action letter:
Employment Rights Act 1996: This legislation provides guidance on how employers should handle disciplinary and grievance procedures in the workplace. The Act requires employers to follow a fair and consistent procedure when taking disciplinary action against an employee, including conducting an investigation before taking any action.
ACAS Code of Practice: This Code provides employers with guidance on how to handle disciplinary and grievance procedures in the workplace. The Code emphasises the importance of conducting a thorough and impartial investigation before taking any disciplinary action.
Data Protection Act 2018: This legislation requires employers to handle personal data in a fair and transparent manner. This means that any investigation must be conducted in accordance with data protection principles and the employee's rights to privacy and data protection must be respected.
Human Rights Act 1998: This legislation incorporates the European Convention on Human Rights into UK law. This includes the right to a fair hearing, which means that employees have a right to be informed of the outcome of any investigation and to receive a clear explanation for why no further action will be taken.
Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992: This legislation provides employees with the right to be accompanied by a trade union representative or a workplace colleague at any disciplinary hearing. This helps to ensure that employees are supported and have someone to help present their case during an investigation.
Overall, these legislations support the implementation of a disciplinary investigation no further action letter in the UK workplace, ensuring that employers follow a fair and consistent procedure when conducting an investigation and informing an employee of the outcome.
Other territories
Consult your jurisdiction's employment legislation or labor laws to ensure compliance with the template. Review the language for local precision.
In which communication or process sequence does this template belong?

Investigation report form template
This is a template investigation report that an investigator may adapt to suit the particular circumstances of their investigation.