Concern about absence letter
Our Concern about absence Letter template assists employers in addressing and expressing concerns regarding an employee's absence from work.
Use this model letter to notify an employee that you have a concern over their level of absence, that may warrant disciplinary action should it happen again.

10 mins

What is a Concern about absence letter?
A concern about absence letter communicates attendance concerns, providing dates and impact on the workplace.
It aims to improve attendance, outlining consequences and actionable steps for the individual. Sensitivity and focus on solutions are essential, and additional support may be required if underlying issues contribute to absences.
This letter should be used after this is raised with the employee for the first time (before a verbal warning). An informal discussion is often all you need to improve an employee’s absence.

As soon as possible after the empoyee exceeds a threshold, or after a meeting to discuss concerns

The Employer (you) to the Employee

Great Britain & NI (United Kingdom), Worldwide
How can I ensure that this letteris executed effectively?
Step | Description | Responsible Party | Timing (Days from Absence) |
1 | Absence Tracking: Monitor and record the employee's absence, noting any recurring or extended periods of absence. | HR / Supervisor | N/A |
2 | Initial Discussion: Schedule a private meeting with the absent employee to discuss the concern about their absence. | HR / Supervisor | Day 1 |
3 | Document Meeting: Document the discussion, highlighting the employee's absence pattern and its impact on work. | HR / Supervisor | Day 2 |
4 | Review and Decision: Review the absence history and documentation to determine if further action is necessary. | HR / Management Team | Day 3 |
5 | Issue Concern about Absence Letter: If needed, issue a formal Concern about Absence Letter to the employee, expressing concerns and requesting attendance improvement. | HR / Management Team | Day 4 (Or as deemed appropriate) |
What legislation and best practice guidelines have been taken into account in the development of this template?
The Equality Act 2010: This law prohibits discrimination against employees on the basis of protected characteristics such as age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation. Employers should ensure that the letter does not discriminate against any employee based on any of these characteristics.
The Data Protection Act 2018: This law sets out the requirements for processing personal data, including employee data. Employers should ensure that they are complying with data protection requirements when drafting the letter and that they obtain the employee's consent to process their personal data.
The company's own policies and procedures: Employers should also consider any relevant company policies or procedures that apply to absence management and ensure that they are following them appropriately. This may include policies on sickness absence reporting, absence notification procedures, and return-to-work interviews.
The Employment Rights Act 1996: This law sets out the requirements for written terms and conditions of employment. Employers should ensure that any concerns about absence are communicated to the employee in writing and that the employee has the opportunity to respond to the concerns.
The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974: This law sets out the requirements for ensuring the health, safety, and welfare of employees in the workplace. Employers should consider any health and safety implications of the employee's absence and ensure that appropriate measures are taken to address any concerns.
It is important for employers to handle concerns about absence in a sensitive and supportive manner, taking into account any underlying health conditions or other factors that may be contributing to the employee's absence. The letter should be drafted in a professional and respectful tone, with a clear explanation of the concerns and any available support or resources that may be available to the employee.
Other territories
Consult your jurisdiction's employment legislation or labor laws to ensure compliance with the template. Review the language for local precision.
In which communication or process sequence does this template belong?

Absence review meeting script
Our Absence Review Meeting Script Template facilitates constructive discussions, identifying causes and solutions for improved attendance.

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