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First performance improvement meeting notification letter

£ 9
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Use this template to arrange the first formal performance improvement plan meeting after previous informal discussions have not produced any progress.

Reading time
How long to understand and implement this letter?
5 mins
Word count
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We also have budget-friendly bundles featuring this template:

What is a First performance improvement meeting notification letter?

The purpose of this First performance improvement meeting notification letter is to provide you with a flexible and customisable document to serve as a robust and effective starting point for you.

By using our First performance improvement meeting notification letter, you can streamline your process, maintain consistency and accuracy, and save time, and it can be easily adapted to fit your specific scenario.

Applicable legal jurisdictions
In which jurisdictions can this letter be used?
Great Britain & NI (United Kingdom), Worldwide

First performance improvement meeting notification [Delete this line]

[Company name]

[Sender address]



[Recipient name]

[Recipient address]


Dear [Recipient first name],


First Performance Improvement Meeting

I refer to our recent discussions, where we discussed your performance in your role, and I explained that as these shortcomings had not been addressed satisfactorily, it would be necessary to progress to the formal stages of the Company’s Performance Improvement Procedure.

I now confirm that the following arrangements have been made for the First Performance Improvement Meeting:

Date: [date]

Time: [time]

Location: [location]

The purpose of the meeting is explained in the Performance Improvement Procedure. I have enclosed a copy for your information.

You are entitled to be accompanied by an accredited trade union representative or workplace colleague.

By entering the formal stage, I must highlight to you that should your performance not reach an acceptable standard during this process, your employment is at risk and may ultimately lead to dismissal.

Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours [faithfully | sincerely],



[Sender name]

[Sender job title]

[Sender telephone]
[Sender email]

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£ 9

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Performance improvement template toolkit:

In which communication or process sequence does this template belong?

This step
First performance improvement meeting notification letter template
Next step
Performance improvement plan template

If you have concens about the performance of an employee, use this model form template to capture the improvement required, and agree and plan the timescale.

First performance improvement meeting notification letter
first performance improvement meeting notification letter