Pension enrolment letter
Our Pension Enrolment Letter template formally notifies employees about their enrolment in the pension scheme, outlining benefits and providing essential information.

5 mins

What is a Pension enrolment letter?
An Employee Pension Enrolment Letter is a written communication from an employer to an employee informing them that they have been enrolled in the employer's pension plan.
Employers may offer pension plans as part of their employee benefits package to help employees save for retirement. When an employee becomes eligible to participate in the plan, the employer is required to enroll them in the plan and provide them with information about the plan's features, benefits, and costs.
An Employee Pension Enrolment Letter typically includes details about the employee's eligibility for the plan, the plan's contribution rates, investment options, and other key features. The letter may also include instructions for the employee to access their account and manage their contributions.
It's important for employers to communicate clearly and promptly with employees about their enrolment in a pension plan and to provide education and resources to help employees understand the importance of saving for retirement. Employers may also want to provide ongoing support and guidance to help employees maximise their pension benefits and achieve their retirement goals.

No later than the day that the employee is enroled in the scheme

The Employer (you) to the Employee

Great Britain & NI (United Kingdom)
What legislation and best practice guidelines have been taken into account in the development of this template?
Here are some UK employment legislation considerations to keep in mind when implementing a pension enrolment letter:
Under the Pensions Act 2008, employers are required to automatically enrol eligible workers into a qualifying workplace pension scheme and make contributions on their behalf.
Employers must ensure that their pension scheme meets certain criteria, such as minimum contribution levels, governance requirements, and transparency and disclosure obligations.
Employers must provide eligible workers with a written notice of their automatic enrolment into the pension scheme. This notice should include information about the scheme, the worker's right to opt out, and the contribution levels.
Employers must provide the worker with a joining pack that includes details about the pension scheme, the worker's contributions, and the employer's contributions.
Employers must keep accurate records of all pension contributions made by both the worker and the employer.
Employers must inform the pension provider of any changes to the worker's employment status that may affect their eligibility for the scheme, such as changes to their hours or earnings.
Employers must monitor their pension scheme to ensure that it remains compliant with legal requirements and that it continues to provide value for money to the workers enrolled in it.
In which communication or process sequence does this template belong?

Pension auto enrolment policy
Use this if you require a robust and practical Pension auto enrolment policy template.

Pension auto enrolment opt-out form template
Our Pension Auto Enrolment Opt-Out Form template provides employees the option to opt out of automatic pension enrolment, ensuring clear communication and choice.