Second performance improvement meeting notification letter
Use this model letter to arrange the second formal performance improvement plan (PIP) meeting after the first meeting has not led to any progress.

5 mins

What is a Second performance improvement meeting notification letter?
A Second Performance Improvement Meeting Notification Letter is a document that is typically sent by an employer to an employee who has previously received a Concern about Performance Letter and has failed to show sufficient improvement in their job performance. The purpose of this letter is to notify the employee that a second performance improvement meeting will be held to discuss their continued unsatisfactory performance and to identify steps that can be taken to improve it.
The letter should be written in a professional and objective tone, and should clearly outline the reasons for the second performance improvement meeting. It should also identify the specific areas where the employee's performance is still falling short and provide examples of specific incidents or behaviors that are causing concern.
The letter should also provide details about the time, date, and location of the performance improvement meeting, as well as any materials or documentation that the employee should bring to the meeting. It may also provide information about the potential consequences of continued unsatisfactory performance, such as disciplinary action or termination.
Overall, a Second Performance Improvement Meeting Notification Letter is a formal and important document that serves as a clear reminder to the employee that their performance is not meeting the required standards and that further action is necessary to address the issue. It provides an opportunity for the employee to receive feedback and guidance on how to improve their job performance and avoid further disciplinary action.

Great Britain & NI (United Kingdom), Worldwide
In which communication or process sequence does this template belong?

Performance improvement plan template
If you have concens about the performance of an employee, use this model form template to capture the improvement required, and agree and plan the timescale.

Performance improvement outcome no further action letter template
Use this model letter to notify an employee that they have been successful in meeting the standards agreed at any stage within the Performance Improvement process.