Guide to salary sacrifice benefits selection
Our Guide to Salary Sacrifice Benefits Selection offers comprehensive insights for employees to choose suitable benefits, optimising their compensation and financial planning.

5 mins

What is a Guide to salary sacrifice benefits selection?
This Guide to Salary Sacrifice Benefits Selection provides employees with a comprehensive overview of salary sacrifice benefits selection.
It explains the concept of redirecting a portion of pre-tax salary towards various benefits, such as pensions, cycle-to-work schemes, or health plans.
The guide outlines the advantages of each option, details the process for making selections, and highlights potential tax and financial implications.
The purpose is to empower employees to make informed decisions about benefit allocation, optimising their overall compensation package while considering their individual needs and preferences.

Issue with a communication letter

The Employer (you) to the Employee

Great Britain & NI (United Kingdom), Worldwide
What legislation and best practice guidelines have been taken into account in the development of this template?
When considering salary sacrifice benefit selection, it's important to be aware of key UK employment legislations. Here are some of the most important ones:
Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions) Act 2003: This legislation governs the tax implications associated with opting for salary sacrifice benefits, including how they impact income tax and National Insurance contributions.
National Minimum Wage Act 1998: Ensuring compliance with this act is essential to prevent any salary sacrifice arrangement from pushing employees below the minimum wage threshold.
Equality Act 2010: This act prohibits any form of discrimination, including during the process of selecting benefits through salary sacrifice, to ensure that all employees are treated fairly and equally.
Pensions Act 2008: Since pension contributions are often involved in salary sacrifice schemes, this legislation outlines the guidelines that need to be followed when adjusting pension arrangements.
Consumer Rights Act 2015: If the changes in benefit selection affect consumer contracts, this act comes into play, emphasizing the importance of maintaining transparency and adherence to consumer rights.
Other territories
Consult your jurisdiction's employment legislation or labor laws to ensure compliance with the template. Review the language for local precision.