Drivers Handbook
Our Drivers Handbook simplifies safe driving practices, compliance, and company policies, minimising risks and fostering driver awareness.

10 mins

What is a Drivers Handbook?
The purpose of a Drivers Handbook is to provide essential information and guidelines to drivers within an organisation. It outlines company policies, procedures, and best practices related to driving, safety, vehicle operation, and compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
The Drivers Handbook serves as a reference guide to ensure consistent and safe driving practices, promoting driver awareness, and minimising risks associated with driving activities. It also helps to establish clear expectations and standards for drivers, ensuring their understanding of their responsibilities and obligations while driving on behalf of the organisation.

The Employer (you) to the Employee

Great Britain & NI (United Kingdom), Worldwide
How can I ensure that this templateis executed effectively?
Step | Description | Responsibility | Timing |
1 | Notify Employee: Inform the employee about the availability of the Drivers Handbook. | HR / Supervisor | N/A |
2 | Provide the Handbook: Issue the Handbook to the employee for review and reference. | HR / Supervisor | Day 1 |
3 | Request Signature: Ask the employee to read and sign an acknowledgment of receipt. | HR / Supervisor | Day 3 |
4 | Conduct Ongoing Training: Schedule regular training sessions to reinforce driving safety practices and updates. | HR / Training Team | Ongoing |
5 | Monitor Compliance: Ensure employees adhere to the Handbook guidelines through regular checks and feedback. | HR / Management Team | Ongoing |
What legislation and best practice guidelines have been taken into account in the development of this template?
Road Traffic Act 1988: Sets regulations for driving on public roads, including licensing, insurance, and vehicle requirements.
Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974: Imposes employer responsibilities to ensure driver safety in the workplace.
Working Time Regulations 1998: Regulates working hours, rest breaks, and rest periods for drivers.
Other territories
Consult your jurisdiction's employment legislation or labor laws to ensure compliance with the template. Review the language for local precision.