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Zero hours contract

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Our Zero Hours Contract template is a comprehensive solution, aiding in constructing flexible work agreements while upholding legal standards and mutual understanding.

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What is a Zero hours contract?

The purpose of this Zero hours contract is to provide you with a flexible and customisable document to serve as a robust and effective starting point for you.

By using our Zero hours contract, you can streamline your process, maintain consistency and accuracy, and save time, and it can be easily adapted to fit your specific scenario.

Applicable legal jurisdiction
In which jurisdiction can this template be used?
Great Britain & NI (United Kingdom)

Zero hours contract

This agreement governs the relationship between you and the Company in the event that the Company offers you work and you choose to accept it. It does not create legal relations until you choose to accept an assignment.


The Company's need for individuals to perform work varies from time to time, and you have confirmed that you may be available for work. The Company is not obliged to offer you work at any time, and you are not entitled to a minimum number of hours of work per day, week or year. If the Company does offer you work, you are under no obligation to accept it.

In the event that you do agree to undertake work (the assignment), you will be required to complete it to the Company's satisfaction.

Your hours of work for each assignment will be [start] to [finish] [day] to [day], during which [number] [minutes|hour] per day may be taken for lunch, which will be [un]paid.

Continuity of service

For periods of one continuous week without undertaking any work for the Company, there will be a break in service and your date of continuous service will be reset to the date of your next day of work.>

For periods longer than one week there is no continuity of service between you and the Company between the termination of one assignment and the commencement of the next assignment. If you accept an assignment, your period of continuous employment will begin on the date on which the assignment starts and will end on the date of termination of the assignment. No employment with a previous employer or under a previous assignment counts towards a period of continuous employment.

Where the Company offers an assignment to you, it does not give rise to a presumption that it will offer you further assignments, nor that you will accept any work that it offers to you in the future.

Notice of assignment

A minimum of seven calendar days prior to the commencement of an assignment, the Company will telephone you to explain the work that it wishes you to carry out and the date that the assignment is due to start. If you wish to accept the assignment, you must confirm your acceptance to the individual who notified you of the assignment at least three working days before the start date of the assignment.

If you do not wish to accept the assignment, you should contact the person who notified you of the assignment at least three working days before the start of the assignment.


You will be paid a[n hourly|daily|weekly|monthy] rate of £[rate], subject to deductions for tax and national insurance contributions. You will receive your pay monthly in arrears by direct credit transfer to your personal bank/building society account on or about the [date] day of the month.

Place of work

Your main place of work will be [address]. [You may also be required to work at [address]. The Company reserves the right, with appropriate consultation with you, to change your base should the needs of the Company require this.


You are obliged to give the company [weeks] weeks' notice to terminate this contract. The Company is not obliged to give you the statutory minimum amount of notice before terminating your contract; we will however endeavour to give you at least one week notice of termination. There is no entitlement to work during this notice period.

Annual leave

Workers are entitled to [5.6 weeks] holiday per holiday year, including bank and public holidays. Your entitlement will be calculated on a pro rata basis, depending on the number of hours that you work.

You will not be entitled to carry forward accrued holiday entitlement from one holiday year to the next.

Holiday may be taken only at times approved in advance by your department manager. Further details of the notice arrangements can be found in the Company's annual leave policy. You may be required to take part or all of your holiday entitlement on days notified to you in advance by the Company.

Payment in lieu of accrued holiday will not be made except on termination of an assignment. If an assignment ends and you have accrued but untaken holiday, you will be paid for the number of days not taken. If an assignment ends and you have taken holiday in excess of your pro rata entitlement, you must compensate the Company for the excess days taken. You consent to a deduction being made from your pay equivalent to any holiday taken in excess of accrued entitlement. If your final pay is insufficient to allow for the whole of any such deduction, you will be required to repay the outstanding amount within one month of the end of an assignment.


If you become sick during an assignment, you must advise your manager by [time] on the first working day of your absence of the fact of your absence, the reason for your absence, and how long you expect to remain absent. You must keep the Company informed of subsequent sickness absences.

On your return to work, you must obtain, complete and return to your manager a self-certification form before the end of your first working day. For all absences in excess of seven days, you must provide a medical certificate from your doctor.

You should not accept an assignment if you know that you will be unable to work all or any of the hours agreed because of sickness or injury.


During your employment, you may be in possession of confidential, sensitive or personal information. This could relate to the company, its customers or employees.

It is a condition of your service and a requirement of the General Data Protection Regulation that you have a duty of confidentiality and a requirement to safeguard such information. You must not discuss or make available any such information whatsoever to any outside individual or organisation including the media.

Any breach of this requirement will be considered as serious misconduct and could lead to disciplinary action including dismissal.


Required training will be provided by the company and you will be compensated for your time engaged taking part in the same. Training is mandatory for staff.

Failure to undertake or satisfactorily complete training when provided may lead to the company acting against you including the possible termination of your contract.


I hereby agree to the terms set out in this document.




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zero hours contract